HxGN CloudSuite EAM

HxGN CloudSuite EAM

Increasingly, HxGN EAM users (both On Premises and Hosted customers) are migrating their system to HxGN CloudSuite EAM. This is because of the possibilities that the Infor OS platform offers such as; ION (Workflow, Alerts, Tasks, Notifications, IoT integration, System integration), Ming.le (Social Collaboration), Homepages (Dashboard), IDM (Document Management System)

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Training HxGN CloudSuite EAM

Gebruikers Training

  • Systeem navigatie
    • Infor OS
    • IDM
    • Homepage
    • Ming.le
    • ION Desk
  • Gebruikers profiel
  • Infor OS settings

Admin Training

  • Aanmaak en autorisatie Infor OS gebruikers
    • Lock en Unlock gebruikers
  • Toevoegen en beheren applicaties
  • Beheren Incontext applicaties
  • Homepages Setup
    • Aanmaak widgets
  • IDM Setup
    • Document prompts
  • Kennismaking ION en ION Desk